Episode 114: Scuba Diving Murder Case (Part 1)
Scenario: Rachel tricks her mother and father into going to the beach together. Richard, annoyed, leaves for the bathroom and returns with two girls named Kimberly Sanchez and Haley Martin and meet their companions: Kevin, Hatcher, and Matthew, who is engaged to Kimberly. They invite the Moore family and Conan to lunch with the scuba diving club at the local college. Kimberly decides to go swimming alone and asks Kiwako to get her a towel during lunch, however, the group spots Kimberly drowning. Matthew attempts to rescue Kimberly but he is thrown back by Kevin, who saves her, due to his inability to swim. Kimberly, complaining of pain from her hand, was bitten by a snake and is rushed to the hospital. Rachel is sure she saw an erabu sea snake, but everyone is confused when she claims she saw the snake with wings. Into the investigation, Eva expresses her anger to Rachel, not at Richard who has yet to discover she isn’t wearing her wedding ring, but one of Kimberly's friends made an attempt at her life.
Ran secretly plans for her parents to meet at the beach in hopes of reuniting them. While there, they come upon Kiwako and Masahiko, who are childhood sweethearts and are engaged. When Kiwako gets bitten by a sea snake it appears a freakish accident has taken place, but Conan suspects there is more than what the regular eye can see.