Episode 234: The Evidence That Didn't Disappear (Part 2)
Scenario: Conan notices that there is glass wool, which muffles sound, in the incinerator and realizes who the culprit is. After gathering the guests, Conan reveals that the grandfather clock did not chime since the culprit changed the time to 12 hours ahead and reveals that the culprit used the stereo to simulate the chimes. Doyle chased after the chime and the smell of where it's blue cushion was and is lured to the back of the stereo with cheese containing sleeping pills. Conan reveals that the culprit was after the diamond on Doyle's collar which is worth a fortune. He reveals that the culprit is Yoshio Tsunashima; Tsunashima had reserved a small pendulum clock which was becoming slower by a minute per hour, meaning something was weighting down the pendulum which was revealed to be Doyle's collar. Tsunashima starts to run away, however, Arthur and Christie stop him and since he could not bring himself to but a dog he stopped trying to run. Tsunashima confesses to his crime and reveals he needed the money to continue to support the abandoned dogs he kept taking in. Kanou decides to give the collar to Tsunashima and not push for any charges. That following evening, they find out Kanou's other dog, Arthur, was the one who was placed Hasuki's shoes elsewhere. Conan reveals that Arthur wanted to prevent Hasuki from leaving so he could be with his love Christie, Hasuki's German Shepherd. Hasuki announces that she had come to accept Kanou's proposal and will be joining him in England.
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